Saturday, June 27, 2009

Almost There...

So, I found the time to write about 1,000 words more of InVincible last night, but that's been the first time I've been able to write in a while.

Tonight, I'm leavng for Vancouver and won't be back for about two weeks. I'll miss all you guys! I promise to get more on track with my blogging when I get back, and to get back to my writing too.

On another note, Empyrean has finally been returned by my teacher! I can't wait until I can edit it, but the steps after that? It's terrifyingly exciting... I'm not sure how to feel.

Oh, I just finished reading all of the "If I Told You I Loved You Than I'd Have To Kill You" series - really, really, really good books if anyone wants to read them. "City Of Bones" is also a really, really good book - slightly more mature and less romancy in parts, but I like them both the same, lol. I guess my choice in books (and movies!) depends on how I feel - sometimes I want Eragony guyish war, and then sometimes the really sweet, lovey stuff is good (OK, this is just too cute to not mention: in "If I Told You I Loved You Than I'd Have To Kill You" then Ben and Cammie kiss in a gezeebo thing! Isn't that really sweet? I think so). Like, right now, I'm planning a scene in InVincible to happen in Ottawa, with the Parliment buildings - simply, Vince jumps out of a plane, is shot at from his brother who is hiding in the Peace Tower, and then hides in a parking garage (but is caught because this big oafish dude who is forcing his brother to be evil reads the sign "Up Here" and finds Vince).

Well, I'll be off, thanks for reading! Seriously, I have the awesomest bloggy readers ever. I feel so special!



Devon said...

City of Bones is great, never read the other one though. Have fun in Vancouver (wherever that is):)

Sarah said...

City of Ashes is on my list to read..

Vancover is the capitol of British Columbia (named that so the US didn't invade it :P) which is across the border from Washington state... on the Pacific Ocean.

Oh yeah :P I rock at history/geography.

Rochelle Blue said...

Have a fabulous time in Vancouver... and I will miss you too!
I will definitely try City of Bones =]
I read If I Tell You I Love You, Then I'd Have to Kill You and I agree, it was a really nice book =]
Congrats on Empyrean being returned and Invincible is sounding awesome!


Nat said...

Have a great time in Vancouver...

I like the idea of the sniper in the peace tower.... i wonder where you got that one from.....
