Friday, September 4, 2009

My Principal's Funeral Is Today.

My principal's funeral is today.  At 2 o'clock.  I don't think I'm going, because I was just one student in a school of 600 - a school which she'd been at for 7 or 8 years.  I'm not even sure she knew my name.

But really, all that matters is that I knew hers.

Mrs. Scott missed my Graduation because cancer, which she'd already fought off once, was back - but she still tried to come and asked for the ceremony to be taped so she could watch it later.  From the hospital, I guess. 

She died on the last day of August.

I think she was the best principal I've ever had - out of the 5 I've had.  She tried to get to know each student individually with things like an exit portfolio and was always around the halls talking to students.  A lot of people made fun of her because it was rumored she wore a wig - from kimotherapy.

I really can't believe Mrs. Scott died, it was probably the first death of someone I knew personally - I've had 2 different relatives die, but I've hardly ever met them.  I saw Mrs. Scott every school day for the past two years of my life.

But she did die.  And as unbelievable as it is, I have to accept that.



Devon said... sorry. One of my third grade teachers got hit by a car and died once, so I know how it is..if that makes you feel any better...

*awkward silence*

Sarah said...

lol, sorry - kind of an awkward post.

Death is sad.
