Monday, November 9, 2009

Erm.. November?

In grade one, we had to write a poster of November.  Most of them followed the teacher's style, like:

No  Light
No  Fun
No  Colour
No  vember

Right now, mine would be:

No  Time
No  Blogs
No  One to talk to
No  Writing perfection
No  vember

Hence this:  I have no time what so ever with NaNoWriMo (where my account is here).  I was going to blog (Ha, what on earth happened to that?), get ahead for NaNo, and all this other fun and impossible stuff.

Write now, I am here:

13,575 words in 7 days.

So.. I'm not that bad off.. but it's VERY time consuming!

My record this week was 1002 words in 20:03 minutes.  Amazing writing goddess here!

Hope everyone else had fun, and that the wierd American Thanksgiving is as good as the Canadian version :)  jks.

Oh, and also.... I just had to do a DANCE unit (1 week) and made a dance to this awesome song..

Golly, it is amazing.  We.. er, danced as puppets, and since we had 2 major amazing kick ass dancers in my group (not me!) imagine how you want, and times it in amazingness by 10.

Oh, yeah.

for anyone who hasn't figured this out..
blogging is hard work!

But I promise to try :)
Even if it's just more amazing sounds and write-or-die wordcount widgets.

Sarah :)


Devon said...

lol, November does suck..leaves are gone, it always rains, and you really got nothing to look forward to until Christmas...or whatever celebration you celebrate during that time.

Logan said...

Hey Sarah, thanks for your thoughtful comments! I just have one question: what's caliginosity? I'm right here on a computer so I guess I could just look it up, right...?

Sarah said...

Thanks guys!

Devon: November now rocks because of the writing, but besides that it's depressing to wake up in the dark, have dinner in the dark, and see frost on the ground. Meh.

But of course, Christmas is amazing and brightens everything up cuz there's SHOPPING to do ;) real girly, EH?

Logan: Hullo. Caliginosity.. it means darkness or dimmer actually, but I like it because it looks like a bright, happy word (and somehow that occasionally relates to me). Also, it was going to be cast out of the mega dictionary of dictionaries last year (according to some article) so I decided to call my blog this endangered word :D.


Logan said...

Awesome. Maybe you could turn the word's reputation around, change it's meaning after your blog becomes famous!