Saturday, April 10, 2010

Taking Some Obvious Advice

Hi, I'm a bit behind and short on this post, but I've been thinking a lot and have a lot of homework.  Yeah, excuses excuses.... but what else can you give?

For homework, I have a survey+analysis of whether people who are involved in after-school activities do better in grade 9 English or worse.
In English, I have a newspaper article to edit and submit Monday.
For French, I STILL need to understand all those finicky verb conjugations and study up on some new food-related vocab.
Science involves a stupid lab report, in which I have no idea how to get the answer!  Seriously.  We're supposed to figure out what substance something is, but it doesn't correspond with anything!
And as for the thinking I've been doing....

I've decided to stop editing Empyrean.

There are mainly two reasons.

The first reason is that I lost a file.  The File.  It had the schedule of the students, dates they were born, when their parents were born, a family tree, a list of cardboard/secondary characters and EVERYTHING I used to write the story.  (Okay, so I still have a timeline, and the pictures of the characters, because those were on Word, but all the Excel-related stuff?  Yeah, this sucks).

So, in short, I have a slight problem.  I can read through Empyrean, writing down all the facts I put in and trigger some memory of something I made almost 2 years ago, but that doesn't seem that appealing to me.

I asked my boyfriend and some friends.  One friend said I should just finish InVincible (okay, a bit biased because he's religious, and IV is the only book without mythical creatures, etc.) one didn't have an answer, and my boyfriend (taking the advice of THIS youtube video made by a friend of THESE people -- aka THIS writer) said that even if I didn't suck, I should still write more to get better.

He's so sweet :)  -- and no, that is NOT girl gibberish.

But anyways, I've decided to write another story.  For practice, and to get better, and to have fun.

It's weird, but a lot of things in my life aren't fun - like school, parents, and disappointing relatives.  I just want to have fun.  So I'm going to!  =)

Who needs to publish a book at 14?  15?  16?  I'll do much better when I'm older.

So, yeah.  That's my plan.  Also part of my plan, I'm going to write a version of THIS idea, mixed with THIS one, both of which I had a while back and still like a lot.

Now, this writing blog has a writer, and a story to be obsessed about :)
S a r a h

P.S. after homework is somewhat done-ish, I'll write and tell you guys about this new story =)

P.P.S. I'm still basking in the amazingment of my town's ice cream parlor opening Easter weekend.  It's closed again, but OH that ice cream was DELICIOUS!


Devon said...

I applaud you for the effort to keep the girl-gibberish down. It didn't work, but its good to see someone putting up an effort...

okay, seriously, get a councilor for this stuff. its unnatural :P

That Empyrean thing sucks, and I get what your saying...I have more notes than writing on most of my stories (trying to get a bit done tomorrow though, but if that stuff got deleted, well, I might as well give up writing altogether.

What you trying to do now looks promising...go for it.

And,t o tell you the truth (don't tell them I said this), a lot of the things you said weren't fun are great for sister thinks more like a guy than most of the kids in my class, so she's easy to talk to, I go running with my mother almost every day, and I play Xbox with my dad at night. Not to say that I don't get ticked at them every other day, but still...homework and school suck majorly though, unless your some nerd kid who actually likes school *shudder*
Oh, and broke into the gym afterschool with a gamespot card in a pair of scissors yesterday...yes, I am that hardcore (not).


Devon said...

Don't worry, the gym thing was only to play basketball...we didn't steal anything, I assure you, before you get any ideas

Sarah said...

I've started a newwww stoorrryyyy :D

And it's chock-full of girly stuff. I changed it to a normal setting on earth tho - romance needs to be the main thing, and it can't be the main thing if they have to defeat something else.

My sister is pretty okay too, but my parents are just confusing people :S. And even the nerdy kids don't like school.

So, you're basketball hardcore? My sister broke into her gym and climbed up a ladder to the ceiling :| I am SUCH un chouchou (goodie toushou in french! haha)

Maybe someday I'll try to start Empyrean again... :(

Rochelle Blue said...

When I first read you were quitting Empyrean for now, I was like "WHAT??"
But I definitely understand, I'm sorry your file got deleted :( that sucks greatly! I remember when I was younger, I was beginning to write this story and I was working on a few of the chapters one day when my computer shut down on me and I lost EVERYTHING! D: I was very discouraged after that.
I agree, you should treat yourself to some fun! I believe life should be as fun as possible :P
Looking forward to hearing about your new story!

amour, rochelle

Rochelle Blue said...

And I absolutely adore Maureen Johnson! she is amazing!