Friday, June 4, 2010

Birthday :)

For my birthday, I got a new mouse/keyboard (wireless, and I LOVE the keyboard because when I type, it makes soft, nice-sounding clicks :)  I LOVE the clickety of keyboards!
My sister got my stuff from Lush (bath products store which sells the NICEST stuff) - I got a soap bar (not pictured), bath balm (blue with orange on top thing on left, it makes the water got all bubbly and sparkley -- using this this weekend :]) and moisturizing bar... it's in the shape of a heart, you just can't see it.  They all smell SO good!
My best friend gave me chocolate, sunglasses, a jacket and a plant (below)

My grandparent gave me earrings, mini-wallet (for school, etc) and Aeropostale gift card.. I like that store :)

My best friend gave me this ADORABLY cute plant.  I love it :)  --- repotting soon so it can grow big and live forever <3
Oh, and there is NO better gift to give a serious relashionship female than this :]
 Isn't it amazing, adorable and sweet?  The letters are on a heart, BTW, and it hangs perfectly too :)

All-in-all, my birthday was spectacular... besides my short story I got back from my teacher, with a 85% (low, seeing as she told someone who wrote it the night before and handed it in a day or two late that theirs was perfect and they should take the writer's course in grade 11/12.  WHY NOT ME?  I love writing, and that would have meant the world to me.  Seriously, people: is my writing GOOD, or is it just "good" because I write so much and I like it?)

Your fifteen-year-old,
S a r a h


Golden Eagle said...

HAPPY (belated) B-DAY!

You're writing (in my opinion; unfortunately, I'm not a teacher) is "good" because you write well. :)

Sarah said...

Thanks!! :]

And thanks again. I'm always trying to get better, y'know?

Devon said...

dang, sorry I missed it- been a busy few days. But anyways, Happy Birthday! (so long as you can accept a late one that is :)

and seriously, your writing sounds like it comes straight from a book written by some professional adult writer or something- in short, its fantastic!

Sarah said...

Aw, thanks! I think I missed your birthday too :$

I hope I write good... but everyone seems to be catching up, and I like being ahead in the English skills area :P

Sally said...

Happy Birthday! Love the blog- will be coming back!

You can find me at my blog, Treble Clef, ( if you want to.

--Cornet Crazie

Rochelle Blue said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, my dear!!

Sarah said...

Thanks! :D

(gosh, I'm such a late responder)

Checking out your blog Cornet Crazie as I type. :]