Friday, October 1, 2010

Hostage and Humiliation

I have two things to say about the past week.

One, is that 3 schools in my town were kept in lockdown until 7 o'clock.  There was a "brandishing of a firearm".  I feel so bad for the little kindergartens who had to stay in school until 7!  They aren't even used to a FULL day of school!

It didn't make me feel safe, what with all the rumors of a marital dispute/hostage situation, a sniper in someone's uncles backyard, and children trapped indoors.

Apparently, the parents were all waiting all around the school.  Waiting for their children to be returned.  It sounds so terrible!  If I was a parent, I would be devastated.

Number two..

I joined the cross country team.  In my first race, an Open Girls (grades 10, 11 and 12) we ran 4km.  I came in 82nd out of 112.  This isn't bad for my first race!

Weirdly enough, I like the suicide-sprints up and down a mega-big hill better than the long run.  Although, in reality I still suck at both.

Not so say that I haven't improved - I can now run all the way down the Big Hill without stopping.  Something I couldn't do the first time I ran.  I first did this on Thursday, then raced in two 300-meter sprints, and could still stand (although I was light-headed).  Oh, and no one passed me.  My team won!

My team is cool.  Really, really cool and/or awesome people.  But I'm the only grade 10 girl, and the grade 9 girl is amazing and much better than I am.

On to the humiliation.  I'm a horrible confronter.  On Wednesday, I told my cross country coach I wasn't going to be at the practice that day, because I needed to work on a business project.  Responsible?  Yes.  Reliable?  Yes.  However, doing my homework was not a "good enough excuse" for her.

Excuse me, but that last time I checked, I was in total control of my life.  Yes, other people may have their opinions, but I control me.  No one is going to get anywhere by telling me what to do.  I make my own choices, decisions and mistakes.  Also, I believe that skipping a cross country practice, in my book of interests, passions and things that are important to me, is not as high on my list as my business project (I also had a business test, french project, history project and french quiz to work on).

I have interests.  I'm choosing schoolwork over cross country.  And although the teacher warned I may not find a place on the team anymore, I believe that schoolwork is more important, for ME.

Lastly, just a note, I'm planning to do NaBloWriMo.  A blog post a day in October.  AND I will edit Empyrean in November/Christmas/all the spare time I have.

But I'm busy now with school, so I'm giving myself a break :)

S a r a h


Devon said...

ugh! that sounds lucky i live in the mountains, all we have is drug problems here, no violence...but still, that sounds really scary!

I love XC....i hope your having fun :) what was your 4k time? and yeah....coaches are wierd like that. dont let it bother you :)

being a freshman sucks! enjoy 10th grade :)

Golden Eagle said...

There was a shooting near a high school around here once; over ten people were killed. :( I was walking at the mall then, and only realized it happened after I got home.

Good luck with NaBloWriMo! :D I'm doing it too.

Sarah said...

I live away from the town, so i felt safe.. but I can't imagine how I would've felt if I was right in there!

I have no idea how fast my 4K is... I'll try to time it sometime, but the one race I've done i didnt ask for the time. It's probably SLOW.

How does being a freshman suck? 10th grade is better :P But all the niners think they rule the school already :(

&& Golden Eagle, that is SCARY! There was a stabbing at my school once... "safest town in Ontario" -- yeah right.

Good luck with NaBloWriMo too! :D