Saturday, January 22, 2011

Exam Time To-Do [Update 1/6]

Business (BBI 2O0)
  1. Find all (correct) business definitions - private sector vs. public sector, etc.
  2. Study and memorize all definitions (about 50)
  3. Take Business Exam test (in-class) on Tuesday, Jan 25th

English (ENG 2D0)
  1. Read Sparknotes of Life Of Pi (to review)
  2. Read Sparknotes of Othello (again, review)
  3. Finish all Othello Questions
  4. Create thesis for Othello essay
  5. Study w/ boyfriend on Wednesday, Jan 26th
  6. Take formal Exam on Thursday, Jan 27th

French (FEF 2DX)
  1. Study Passe Compose
  2. Study Present
  3. Study Imparatif
  4. Study Subjonctif
  5. Study Futur
  6. Study Conditionnel
  7. Study Conditionnel Anterieur
  8. Study Plus-Que-Parfait
  9. Study all vocbulary
  10. Review Le Petit Prince
  11. Review Le Hold-Up de la Tour Eiffel
  12. Review le Bossu de Notre Dam
  13. Take in-class Exam on Monday, Jan 24th

History (CHC 2D0)
  1. Study all history terms (again, 50)
  2. Review textbook
  3. Take formal Exam on Thursday, Jan 25th

Gotta love exam time :]
S a r a h

six days left.

1 comment:

Golden Eagle said...

Er, wow. That's a lot!