Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Day Of My Life In Pictures {Part 1}

(Or so I tried)

Right now I'm grounded from the computer, and will be for the next two weeks.  But, computer-a-holic me just has to sneak on, right?  :P

Anyways, here are some pictures I took during a day of my life... hope you like them :)

My bed... where I woke up this morning, obviously.  Note the total mess of things and the nice orange pillow :D I'm soo lazy.

My beautiful cat, Garfield, slept beside me.  The first thing I did when I woke up was pet him <3

Then I had breakfest - a bagel with peanut butter, watermelon on the side.

I talked to my boyfriend, Cam, on the phone for a while.  

Then fiddled with my computer (gasp!  Who says I can't go on when no one's around to stop me?)

Then I read a book.  (I read the Host.  :$ I know, it's against everything I beleive in, but it's much deeper than Twilight.  I really, really like it).

Then, whilst being on the phone again, I took a picture of my hair.  It was a lot harder than you think.

Ok, so I know the day isn't over yet, but I'll try to edit or post part 2 later - not sure when I'll be able to get back on though, so don't hold your breath :(

S a r a h


Rochelle Blue said...

haha being sneaky is always so much fun!
I also read The Host and I really enjoyed it, much better than Twilight, like you said =)
your cat is so adorable! how old is he?

Sarah said...

Garfield is 5 years old - and has the same birthday as me! :D

It's really confusing how good the host is compared... :S

Nat said...

Host is way way way better than twilight! Glads that you get to be sneaky... everyone needs that now and then!