Wednesday, September 23, 2009


*groan* I'm sick.

Horrendous cold-ish thingy - headache, swimming sensation, pressurized world, stuffy nose and dry throat (but not when I talk, only when I swallow).  Fun, right?

Plus with the whole highschool thing going on, I don't think it'd be a good idea to miss class - no sick days for Sarah, hommes et femmes.  Most days see all pretty important - or so it seems to a goody-two-shoe.

The only good thing in the near future is the Fall Fair - games, rides, cute little bunnies and friends galore?  Sounds good to me!  (I just hope this horrendous thing goes away by the time I get there.... urgh).

Anyways, Empyrean is going well, seeing as it's the #3 thing on my recently opened list, and has been there for a while.  Right now I'm just editing the boring, read-a-thousand-times beginning.. making the fire scene longer and adding up suspense, family ties and other stuff before she goes to the school.  I think I've made a lot of progress ;-)

In Buisness tech class we studied ergonomics (which included a 20-minute speech on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome from my teacher who had the surgery done to him - very, very, very detailed.  And, I'm really sorry but I never managed to take a picture of my wonderful artwork for Art, but expect something sometime soon.  In gym we're learning that it's normal to drink a bathtub's fill of pop a year and that ceasar salad is sometimes worse off calorie-wise than pizza (seriously, they're telling a room full of nearly anorexic girls that they are probably eating too much calories, fat and sugars.  Greaatttt.)  You guys already know what I'm up to in geo though, so I wont bore you again.

Odie turned ONE on the 20th!  My little baby puppy-boy is growing up... but he doesnt act much different!  (Besides gourging on GRASS).

Speaking of grass, I went to the park with my friends and there were these people (6 or something) doing weed.  Oh, the wonders of high school.

And, I would just like to point out that me and my other friend left, but not before I saw my cousin.  Not sure if he was doing it, but apparently he was another time.

Oh, my. 

And that's the same cousin who told me to "have a safe walk" when I got accidentally dropped off at his house.

The feeling I'm getting right now is definately not a good one. 


S a r a h

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Homework: Geography of Canada

For homework this weekend I have 2 different maps of Canada due: one of the cities, provinces and such, and the other of the rivers, mountains and lakes. Both need to be coloured.

Do you know how hard it is to colour all the tiny, minuscule islands in Nunavut and the North West Territories?

There's Canada.  It's annoying to colour - I envy people who don't have to colour maps of their country or the tiny islands.  But I still like Canada - I mean, it's only us who come up with names like Moosejaw, Great Bear Lake  and Churchill (which my friend illustrated on a map with a hill and a church).

Plus, as a random connected fact, there's an island called "Devon Island", which looks like a whale and was really hard to find - but here it is:

See if you can find that on the main map!  It's WAY up there - like, no one lives there and there's an ice research facility and all.  Plus it can get down to -50 degrees Celsius in the winter.  Devon Island also probably doesn't see daylight for a month or two during the winter because of the earth's rotation.

So, fun geography lesson?

I've also been editing a little, and I read a really good book: Wild Roses by Deb Caletti.  Well, I think it's pretty good - sorta girly, but still good.  I have a craving for guns though - solid, strong action movies.  Like Gamer.  Has anyone seen that?  I really want to!

Hope you all have had a good week!

S a r a h

Saturday, September 12, 2009

What Are These Things?

What are these things?  These wierd stops in the middle of school.... weekends?  Yes, I think it's called a weekend...


Facts About The Newly Discovered Weekends:

  1. They provide dates for things like a soccer tournement
  2. They provide chances to sleep in (although the chance has so far gone untaken)
  3. They provide chances to stay up late (again, untaken)
  4. They let you invite friends over (taken for tomorrow! :D yay)
  5. They let you find time to write.  Note the excerpt below.
  6. They bring about boredom which I suffer from right now.

So, I'm bored.  This morning I had a soccer tournament, in which the previously last team came in first, and the second last (my team) came in second!  Whoohoo!!  I rocked at soccer today, despite the headache, sun, wet grass and hurting all over.  Ouch, but it was still fun.  Plus, I get this pretty metal.  Go me!

Tomorrow I think one of my friends is coming over... not sure what we're doing - but I know before he comes, I'll need to spend at least 4 hours cleaning my room.  During the school week I don't have time to clean it, and now the floor has gone missing.

Also, I've written an added bit of Empyrean - now 47,000 words.  This happens at the beginning, when she's in a burning building, 6 years old, and about to discover her power.  I think it's pretty good, especially for a situation I'd deemed impossible to add on to earlier.  Who knew?


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Something Wierd Is Up...

(Look up!)

No, really, something odd has happened.

I like this song:

I love this song!  It's on repeat and I can't make it stop.. and I don't want to!


Yup, something weird is definitely up.

Anyways, I officially have a locker!  1513, they gave me the wrong code... and now it works!  And it's an awesome lock - not stuck or bad like the other locks... hehe.

School's going pretty good, my art teacher/class is deranged, but hilarious, and the business tech is pretty good too - exactly how I thought it'd be.  Geography is also really funny, because it has almost all of my old extended friends, and a teacher who can't keep us quiet :P

Also, I've been editing, nerding, and looking at InVincible... no writing yet, but I can feel it coming.

S a r a h

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day Of School

Highschool, for some odd reason, didn't totally suck.  Sure, it was some really dumb "Great Start" day where we went to out classes for 15 minutes and then watched movies about bullying/anorexia, but still.

All my teachers are pretty nice, especially my gym and geographie ones.  Still haven't found my locker... (I found 1512 and 1514, but 1513 isn't there or across the hall or anywhere, as far as I can see (or any other odds).  But I asked my gym/homeroom teacher and no one else can find our lockers either, so its all ok.. I guess.

Exhausted though.
I'll update more later - I started editing Empyrean!  A good start, I say, on the first page.  Then, I think I'll print it out and edit again on paper (not just comp. edit cuz you don't get anything).

Hope you guys had a good day too!

S a r a h

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Out-Of-Character Post...

Sorry for the OOCness.... but it does some what apply because I'm battling being without my friends/boyfriend in high school.

So, I though I'd share my own list  (one of my friends did this on her private site)  :

My Perfect Boyfriend
  1. Would call to say goodnight
  2. Would go Ice Skating... because although I hate it, it's also very romantic and sweet.
  3. NOT kiss in front of friends.  Or a camera, etc.  Weirdos.  That's just plain freaky.
  4. Say cute things....  but only the best ones - the best ones I google for and save for my male protagonists.  That way I'd have some super cute and meaningful ones to put in my story.
  5. Compliments never killed anyone.  Neither did words like beautiful, or even gorgeous (IF applicable, though)
  6. Would say things I believe, believably.
  7. Touch hair... because I like my hair, and me and my friends are always fiddling with it (or more me) so why can't he?
  8. Tell stuff... maybe not the deepest darkest secret, but stuff that the average person doesn't know.
  9.  Hand-holding and such is nice too... so are hugs.  Not all the time, but a lot of it.
  10. Would write letters/emails.  Because reading+friends=my life (besides writing+blogging)
  11. Understand that I'm a hopeless romantic at heart... because I'm considering myself that right now.  I just might need some serious help. 
 Okay, with that over and done, here is another song I like:

There.  It's an amazing song - at least I think.

S a r a h

Friday, September 4, 2009

My Principal's Funeral Is Today.

My principal's funeral is today.  At 2 o'clock.  I don't think I'm going, because I was just one student in a school of 600 - a school which she'd been at for 7 or 8 years.  I'm not even sure she knew my name.

But really, all that matters is that I knew hers.

Mrs. Scott missed my Graduation because cancer, which she'd already fought off once, was back - but she still tried to come and asked for the ceremony to be taped so she could watch it later.  From the hospital, I guess. 

She died on the last day of August.

I think she was the best principal I've ever had - out of the 5 I've had.  She tried to get to know each student individually with things like an exit portfolio and was always around the halls talking to students.  A lot of people made fun of her because it was rumored she wore a wig - from kimotherapy.

I really can't believe Mrs. Scott died, it was probably the first death of someone I knew personally - I've had 2 different relatives die, but I've hardly ever met them.  I saw Mrs. Scott every school day for the past two years of my life.

But she did die.  And as unbelievable as it is, I have to accept that.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'm Back! (Miss Me?)

So, I'm back.  My new-ish computer now has internet (thanks to my sister and a computer-geek friend) and I can officially post from JaceSterling!

Amazing moment.

But moving on, I figured out my classes for grade 9 at high school!  Here they are:

Term 1
Period 1: Gym
Period 2: Buisness Technoligy
Period 3: LUNCH!
Period 4: Geography (In French)
Period 5: Art

Term 2
Period 1: Extended French
Period 2: Math
Period 3: LUNCH!
Period 4: English <3
Period 5: Science

Notice that I have all the easy subjects in my first term, and the harder ones in second?  Fun, fun, fun... I think I'll either become a super nerd second term or help my friends with their homework so I know the material first term, lol.

A sad note is that I don't have that many classes with my best friends, which is understandable.. but I still wish it was better.

InVincible and Empyrean are going slowly, but at least they aren't moving backwards, right?  I hope I'll get some new stuff to talk about soon.. an excerpt or something is kind of needed right now.  (Oh, and in Empyrean my teacher agrees that killing Quint was a good idea :D haha).

I read Catching Fire.

It's the sequel to The Hunger Games, which is also amazing.  Both are by Suzanne Collins, an amazing author.  She doesn't have many books out, but her other (somewhat younger) series is about 5 books, so The Hunger Games has hope of getting a third, maybe fourth book.  Definitely a third - these books leave major cliffhanger endings.  It's amazing.  Plus, all though the book, there's not really anything I would change.  It's very, very well written.  And twisty.  And amazing.  In short, I love these books.

I'll update later - maybe about my first day of school...

S a r a h