Friday, January 29, 2010

Mini Update...

So, things happening in Sarah Town (not tell where that is, but it's somewhere with a -18 celcius average.  Grr).. well, my room is going slowly but good.  I might have to be painting it during shcool, which I didn't exactly want, but I'll have to survive, right?

It's gunna look pretty cool, but all I have so far is some stripped wallpaper.  May post pictures later, but I'm too lazy right now :P hehe.

Tonight, I'm going to a friend's party... me and him both like this song:

Monday, January 25, 2010

We're Nearing 100...

...and I'm FREE!

Yes, these horrendous exams (or just plain boredom) are over. I had extreme boredom in art, embarrassment in gym, hardness frenchie testing in geography and a barely-explained project in BTT.

Yay! I even did a few bad things this semester... like asking to go to the washroom and walking out into the cafeteria then library to say hi to my boyfriend! Whoo! It was dangerous and totally bad-ass, right? (Suuureeeee)

Haha. I'm a nerd. I was sweating when I asked for a drink and got some candy from the machine last period. (I got swedish berries)


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Moving Forward. Oneshot.

 Moving Forward

I was back. In so many ways, this could have been different. But looking out on the across the train station, I couldn’t think of it another way. Here I was, home at last with the horrors behind me – horrors I had brought upon myself, but never regretted.

I saw families greeting, the cry of mothers meeting sons and parted sisters reuniting; the sound of people, once children and now young adults finding their way home.

My home was different now. I couldn’t deny that. When I had gone, fighting through not only warfare but also a personal, family crisis that had taken place in my leave, things had changed.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

No, I Haven't Dissapeared Off The Face Of The Planet.

.... I've just moved to a different one ;)

This week I've been studying like crazy.  And hour of geography with a friend and highlighting in-class, plus I'm writing out my notes to type up this weekend, and I have some final gym stuff to do (making graphs of how I improved during the fitness testing... you know the beep test?  I ran 40 laps :) hehe... although the school record is 123).  I don't have much for business (which is in-class and I'm already ahead) or art (unknown, although my most recent painting SUCKS) but I'm so burned out of work, this seems like a lot.

Also, I've began to cook.  Usually, I just like the eating part, but lately I've made 2 batches of peanut butter cookies... mmmmm!  Apparently, suddenly cooking is a sign of anorexia, but I'm not anorexic (although I am 15 pounds underweight)... we just don't have enough stuff to eat in our house, and peanut butter cookies are amazing!

This Sunday, I've been going out with my boyfriend for 2 years.  Yeah, that's a little weird... I haven't talked about him a lot, and two years is a little.. wow.  It's not like we do any inappropriate things (in grade 7, we just held hands) but most people don't go out for that long.  I don't know why I have, but it's really special having something you can count on :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Years Post (And Blog Anniversary)

Wow.  I've had this blog for a year!  That's special.  And obsessively dedicated.

I guess I need to do some blog/new years resolutions - it's about time, I think, since I forgot the first two days of 2010, so I decided to put it off till my anniversary.  I hardly remember this time last year, starting a blog because of Kori and NaNo WriMo (yes, I couldn't decide which link to put, so it's split down the middle ;) hehe).

New Years Resolutions For Me And Blog

  1. Blog: post weekly, 300 words or more.
  2. Me: study more, and stop procrastinating
  3. Blog: change complete or make small but large changes to the design
  4. Me: possibly try out a new haircut this summer (like straight across bangs compared to the side ones I have now)

Friday, January 1, 2010

Questions, Statues and Impending Distaster (x3)

Yes, the title is right. I'll start with the latter - Impending Disaster.  Yes, it is coming.  No, I don't mean 2012.  Don't believe in that.

What I do believe in, is that second semester will start in just over a month.  That means math, English, science and French all jumbled into one hard, confusing day.  There is no way  I am looking forward to that.

Another Impending Disaster is about writing.  I wrote a one-shot (still editing) for the libraries contest (in October, but I can never leave it to the last minute without loosing all my good ideas).  I wrote it on pure inspiration, fueled by the night and darkness what-have-you, but still.  I didn't even place in the last one, and a girl who isn't half as obsessed as I am with writing got an honorable mention.  I shouldn't be hoping for the best, but I am.