Monday, December 13, 2010

Book Review: Num8ers

Num8ers by Rachel Ward                7/10

I picked up this book because of the cover.  It's intriguing and beautiful, but dangerous.  It sort of scared me at first, but I couldn't put it down...

Actually, it's a lot like the book.

Num8ers by Rachel Ward is fairly good.  I liked the characters, the style, and the plot.  I didn't like how unfair their lives were, and the sad ending.  Overall, I think this book grows on you.  I read it a while ago, and the longer I think about it, the more I like it.

A few things that immediately stand out is that it''s British, which is awesome.  The only problem with that is the geography is confusing, and a few terms.  But really, my bookshelf is painfully lacking in books from other countries or about other countries.  (note to self: get on that).

Another thing that I realized about the book is that these people are far from perfect.  Gone is the perfect Mary-Sue meeting her perfect Edward; this book has real characters in plausible situations (besides the numbers thing, that's not that plausible).  I like the reality, the somewhat-slums style, and the way the characters behave.  It's real, and therefore, creates amazing fiction.  Does that make sense?  I've been reading Life of Pi :)

Some things that are important to know is that there is a lot swearing.  If you don't like F bombs, then try to find another British book of coolness :)  Also, there is a really intimate scene, so if you're trying to avoid that sort of stuff and don't want to be surprised, be warned and avoid.  (And I mean really intimate).

Also, the ending is sad.  There's no happy ending for these characters... but really, you knew it all along.  That makes it a little anti-climatic at the end, but just wait; you'll be thinking about this book for weeks, slowly liking it more and more.  Like I did.  :)

I'm looking forward to more books from this author :)
S a r a h

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