Friday, May 21, 2010

Camping Quickness

I hope my dog likes the beach! :)
Going camping soon!  This is an update...

Who enjoyed playing Pacman on Google?  I did!  Who was enough of a freak to join the facebook group?  I was!

Hehe :)

Life has been strange and hectic recently.  I got a retainer, (the clear plastic type) and it KILLS.  I've
also realized how DEAD I am going to be with exams, and that I am clearly the most crazy girl out there.  Ever.  I have no idea how people put up with me!

I helped out with a dinner served at my school (waitress!) and it was fun, but FULL of faults!  At one point, we ran out of sauce and had to make more from scratch -- and the recipe was in the garbage.  It was a little crazy, we just hope the audience/customers didn't notice. :]

I'm going camping this weekend, which I'm not to happy about, but I'll live with it, I guess.  At least I can bike more and eat marshmallows -  but I have to take out my retainer!  I hate the thing.  It hurts so much!  (So, I'm a baby when it comes to pain.  No biggie :] hehe).

I have a french commercial coming up, which I hope will be fun.  I somehow didn't do great on my Icelandic project - spontaneousity was the flaw.  A little bit of a perfectionist, teacher?  My partner was pretty upset, I think, even if she was too nice to say - 90% average meet a mark of 80?

Oh, and every single day I have an alert on my screen that says "edit empyrean!".... but I never do it.  I'm just so busy!

I'll try to make a short update or even write (gah!  I miss it :\) sometime in the future -- nearer than far, I hope.

S a r a h  :]


Golden Eagle said...

I loved playing PAC-MAN on Google. =) It's not like I couldn't surf the net and find some kind of version of it elsewhere ALL the time, but hey, I'm a fan of Google.

Devon said...

Hey, camping is fun! Actually, I'm backpacking part of the Appalachian trail this summer, along with tackling a few other mountains in the area. Guess its just because I'm an outdoors person, but I love stuff like that: hiking, camping, running, dirt biking, swimming...this summer is going to be really fun.

Of course, I'm enough of a geek to have downloaded Pacman on my Xbox. You can never grow out of video games haha.

Rochelle Blue said...

Uck... retainers DD: I've never had one before, but my friend has to wear one and she said it hurts like hell... well at least you're not wearing braces.
I hope you have at least some fun while camping :)) and pac-man is the best! unfortunately, I don't really have any time to play it anymore ))):


Sarah said...

Google pacman was the first time I actually beat pacman :P

And camping is fun if you can get alone and the weather is nice -- which it was, thankfully :) I like hiking a TON though, just not the overnight idea. All day, sure.

And my retainer is BOTHERING me... I get a forkful of food and am just about to eat it when i remember I have it in, so I have to run and take it out :( I miss eating all the time :P