Wednesday, March 4, 2009


They lead me into a white room. It was smaller and more crowded than I’d imagined, but I didn’t think I’d have much problems. The doctors were weaklings, the lot of them. There was even a female in the room. She was wearing the white coat of a doctor, so I guessed she was with them. I made a mental note to get her first, guessing she’d be the easiest to hit, for the greatest chaos.

Guard 7542, as his ‘nameplate’ said, pushed my screaming, crying self (gotta keep up the act, you know?) into a white lab chair. He reached across to strap my arm in, clearly unaware of my genius plan, and I sprung into action.

I varied a little bit from my previous plan, smashing Guard 7542’s head into the table and using the cruel ‘tools’ on the table to spear the advancing guard. Then I knocked out the lady with a nice kick in the stomach. Then I worked on the guards - particularly the ones with the guns. Within a few moments, I was the last man standing.

It was what I lived for. The thrill of fighting was pretty much to only thing to live for here - what else was there in a war camp? Beauty pageants were a rarity where people were died fighting every day.

Quickly, I took the closest doctor’s coat and jogged down the adjoining hall. Windows lined the one side, so I knew where to go. Everything was simply, perfectly in plan.

Then the alarm sounded. Evidently, someone had seen me and realized I wasn’t really a doctor. I started to run - there was no need to hide my prisoner status now, they knew who I was. Suddenly, the hallway too a sharp 90-degree turn. I slid to a stop and threw my jacket into the middle of the hallway. A volley of shots attacked the thin fabric.

“Oh shit.” I muttered as the shooters’ footsteps rumbled down the hall. I glanced around, right, left, down, up. I went with up.

Like most of the work areas of the building, the Bishop had installed panel ceilings. Cheap, easily assembled, these provided a professional feel for the workers, and an excellent hiding place for prisoners. Quickly, I whipped the dust off my shoes and took a run at the wall. One foot took the impact of the hit and propelled me upwards some more - high enough that my outstretched hand was just able to punch through the ceiling and grab onto the edge. The guards rounded the corner and I quickly pulled myself up. Someone made a grab at my foot, but only managed to get a shoe.

Shots pounded through the ceiling and rocketed off the pipes and equipment. In order to make the building look taller and more imposing (most of the real imposing bits were underground) the space between the ceiling and the roof was high enough for a full-grown person to walk through. And they did.

The feet thundered along one of the paths the electricians had made; rough plywood that followed the line of the most major pipes. It was so dark I could hardly see, but the occasional misplaced ceiling tile shed what little light I needed. The path took a turn, and I was almost blinded by the light. I stumbled, blinded, and crashed into a living, breathing man.

“Whoa lad, slow-” He chuckled.

“Sorry sir,” I said. His warm, brown eyes crinkled in confusion.

“Wait, aren’t you…”
“Again, sorry sir,” I said, scolding myself for the waste in time. I smashed his head against the pipe his lantern was set on, and ran away, not even looking back to notice him slump to the floor, dead.

Am I overdoing the fighting? I'm trying to find the perfect balance here. :)

And as for the storyline, after he gets out of the Bishop's grasp, he'll send a special group of spies to get him back... the third wave including his past friends and some sort of girl (not too much romance, just enough to not leave any girl reading this in the dark). Maybe the girl/some friends will be spies in disguse (isn't that what spies do?) and pretend to be escapees too, and they can search for parents... then suddenly blow cover. :o! But anyways, that's as much as I have so far.. ideas, comments and concerns welcome! (As well as titles and character names... so far all I have is that I want a regular name, like James or Jamie. The girl might be Sylvia.. or something more regular).

P.S. I got a playlist thing to work... right now I have it as auto when you load, but if it really bugs you I'll change it :).


Rochelle Blue said...

that was really good! and no, you're not overdoing the fighting ;) the more action and fight scenes in a book, the better!
the storyline's pretty good so far... =) and I've always been a fan on the name Jamie, for either a boy or a girl ;P Sylvia is a really pretty name too! Maybe she could have a nickname or something...?
I'm already looking forward to your next excerpt!

Kori Rockwell said...

Okay so why is he running? Do we know yet? And why do parents sell their kids to the Bishop? I thought a Bishop was a religious figure? lol, holy crap, you have so many questions to answer! Start writing!