Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Best Is Yet To Come - But Graduation CAN'T Be It

I hope.  Because if the best has already passed, it wasn't too great.  And if the best is happening now, it's far too busy for me.  I have my first soccer game of the season (against my friends!) just after lunch, soccer photo's AFTER (when I'm all sweaty and sunburned), then a birthday party at three.  On Sunday, I have to buy the last few things for my Ottawa trip, and pack, pack, pack.  Maybe a dinner at Cora's might be squeezed in.  Then in Ottawa, I have a gazillion things to do.  Once I'm back, it's back to shopping for teacher-gifts and Graduation things - which, by the way, are totally freaking me out.  I don't even know what to do with my hair!

This is why Graduation can't be the best: 
1)  I'm going to wear a dress.  Ahh. 
2)  I need earrings that actually coordinate.  Uh-oh. 
3)  There'll be TONS of Fakers who look like they're straight out of magazines.  Fun.
4)  Everyone will be obsessed with the Magazine Fakers.  Including PERSON.  Greeeaaaat.
5)  I just might have to wear make-up.  Which will make me feel like a Faker, but no one will act like I'm one, so it's a no-win any way situation.  Plus foundation makes me feel clastrophobic.  Beep.
6)  The wind will blow in all the wrong directions - trust me.  The only other time I wore a dress, it did.  AND plus, my bangs will be blown to the wrong side as well, trust me. 
7)  This will all happen in the same gym I'll be sitting in the next morning.  Professional.

Sounds like fun, right? 

Oh god.

But I'm NOT going to think about that.  No, I'm going to think about the amazing trips to Ottawa and Vancouver I have, and other fun stuff. 

Like writing!  InVincible is the best thing I've written yet.. and I've just finished "If I Told You I Loved You Than I'd Have To Kill You" - amazing book.  Some guys could learn from the sweetness of Josh.  But now I finished it in 12 hours flat, with no chance to get the next one any time soon.

I'm sorry, but soccer stuff calls - more updates later, I promise.

S a r a h


Devon said...

lol, looks like you got a busy weekend ;)
Still think i kick all of your guys pants at soccer..not to seem to full of myself XD

Sarah said...

Ha, consitering we just lost our first gave 5-0, I have no doubt you probably could :P