Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gold Pour Le Canada!

Whoa!  I was watching the Men's Mogul Racing and it was amazing!  I tried skiing on moguls and fell over, and the jumps... wow.

Alex Bilodeau won gold!  All the Canadian skiers were amazing.... very special moment :)  He's the first Canadian winning gold on "our land".

I'd like to take the time to post a picture of him and the Olympic song.  Proud Canadian right here!

Hehe :)

And the song:

1 comment:

Devon said...

haven't seen the Olympics much since the opening...power has been flickering on and off all day. We've had almost straight snow days for going on 2 weeks...I'm getting a bit of cabin fever. Besides, they already canceled our spring break, and our summer has been pushed to the 10th of June. For once I actually want to go to school