Sunday, June 20, 2010


This is just a short post about my thoughts on William Shakesphere and his work.  :]

For the past 3 years, and the next 6ish ones of highschool and beyond, I'm going to study Shakesphere every year.  How many plays does he have?

I've read Romeo and Juliet twice, Hamlet in grade 7, and probably every story twice in my education :\


I don't agree with reading Shakesphere. 

Firstly, it is difficult.  It ruins the fun of reading, which already a lot of kids have trouble with.  Reading Shakesphere gives a lot of people the idea that Shakesphere style is the only style books come in, and why would anyone want to read that for fun?

Secondly, why Shakesphere?  He's definitely not the only writer in the world - or the only good one.  He's not even the best writer from the 1700's!  There are thousands of good writers, and hundreds of amazing books that could teach the same, or even more applicable morals.

Shakesphere is all we read, it seems, and I know there are better books out there.  Sure, he was smart, but today he is treated like Leonardo Da Vinci, and I don't think he was that great.

Why aren't we reading other things?

Right now, I'm studying Romeo and Juliet and T Kill A Mockingbird for my English exam on Tuesday.

My math exam is tomorrow, and science Wednesday.
Wish me luck!
S a r a h


Golden Eagle said...

I've never read Shakespeare, actually. I've seen his plays done before, but never read them straight out. But I have read To Kill A Mockingbird, which is a good book. :)

Sarah said...

I like to Kill A Mockingbird more than Romeo and Juliet... but they're both not really my style of reading :P

Devon said...

ugh, I hate reading Shakespeare..don't think that I've ever finished one of his books. The plays are pretty good though :)

Rochelle Blue said...

Good luck!
Shakespeare isn't that bad, but I can see your point. He can get pretty tiring after a while...