Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So, I won

Sort of.

Okay, not at all.  This year has been a bit of a fail, but I have done what I wanted to do - edit Empyrean.

Besides that, nothin' much.

S a r a h

P.S. if you can read french, or just want to look, here is my french summary of "Ailes Du Courage" - a movie.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sprint for the finish line!

I've fallen behind on my already very slow NaNoWriMo progress... but I am going to win!  I still have four days, right?  

The next few days I'll be trying to finish at least a few more edited chapters.  There will be lots of cheating.  I'll erm.. try to play by the rules?

Booya!  80% completed.

In 87% of my time.

I may not have math this semester, but I don't like that ratio.
S a r a h

Friday, November 19, 2010

Present Empyrean

Yes, I'm still on track for NaNoWriMo.  I'm at 31,000 words and doing fine.. or at least, I will be after the weekend.

The majority of my easy work is changing the book from present to past tense.

It's only when I come to the re-writes (the middle/end) that I get stuck.  I'm slowly, but steadily making my progress through though.  Very, very slowly.

Excerpt?  How about it.  :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Confederati...Image via Wikipedia
The tomb of the unknown soldier, Ottawa.  This represents
all of the soldiers who died without names; without recognition.
Reconnaissez their efforts.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Let Me Introduce You...

...to the cast of Empyrean!

Emily Browning as Aerynn Bradburn and Alexa Bradburn.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I'm editing this NaNoWriMo - every word I edit will count.  So far, I'm at about 200 words.  I'm really positive about completing!