Thursday, November 11, 2010

Remembrance Day

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Confederati...Image via Wikipedia
The tomb of the unknown soldier, Ottawa.  This represents
all of the soldiers who died without names; without recognition.
Reconnaissez their efforts.

Today is Remembrance Day, or Veterans day.  It is the day the Armistace was signed, but also a day to remember all wars, fought and to be fought.  It shows how thankful we are for the men and women who lost their lives for our future today.

It's one day that has to represent the millions of lives lost, so give today your best.  Remember the veterans and their fallen comrades.  Remember your freedom and ability to be yourself.  Wear a poppy.  Go to a service.  Visit a graveyard, or a veterans speech.  One day is so little to thank the millions of people responsible for your great life today, so do your best and make the most of it.

S a r a h

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