Saturday, December 18, 2010

My Christmas List

A collection of things - out of order - I want, need and would love to have, but probably won't get.  :)

The List

  • Published Book
  • Clothes :)
  • Makeup Palate

And so on :)  One thing that always worries me about Christmas is that sometimes, people get so caught up in the getting that they forget about the giving.  I try to avoid this - this 'List' of mine is stuff I want, that I will work towards getting.  

Also, during my French classes secret Santa gift exchange, I was so wrapped up in watching people be happy unwrapping gifts (especially my gift) I didn't even realize I hadn't received mine :)


P.S. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!  6 days :D

1 comment:

Golden Eagle said...

That's an interesting boot. :D

Behemoth is an excellent book--definitely worth the read!

Merry Christmas!