Sunday, November 1, 2009

NaNoWriMo Day 1

As promised, I'm here.  My internet was down (AHH!!) for most of today, but it's back (dumb Bell) and I'm here to bother you!

Today started off well with NaNo, especially with the small disaster.  Nonetheless, I wrote 2742 words (prologue, part of chapter uno).

Happy NaNoDay ONE!  Have a great time tomorrow
loves you all,

S a r a h

P.S. tomorrow will show CANDY from halloween (which was filled with sluts, but I was not one of them!)


Devon said...

lol, Halloween was great for me, though school showed some..interesting costumes (lets just say that some of the...students were dancing the line on the school dress code), but between a Halloween party, some trick-or-treating at the collage dorms, shop front, and on main street, and my amazing Geico caveman costume (okay, I looked kinda like a terrorist but, hey, I put an effort in :p) it was a tone of fun. Hopefully I'll get around to posting about it limbs are a bit sore from basketball tryouts, and i'm tired...ah well :)

Sarah said...

lol :P The best part of Halloween is when you trade all your candy with your friends and end up throwing it around - even if hockey (ugh) was on in the background. Plus, I don't think anyone at my school cares about the dress code on a daily basis, so Halloween at school is... horrible, to say the least.

Basketball is really fun (also, it was invented by a CANADIAN! haha) We just finished that unit in gym, and now we're....
S Q U A R E D A N C I N G. grr..

Oh well :D