Friday, January 1, 2010

Questions, Statues and Impending Distaster (x3)

Yes, the title is right. I'll start with the latter - Impending Disaster.  Yes, it is coming.  No, I don't mean 2012.  Don't believe in that.

What I do believe in, is that second semester will start in just over a month.  That means math, English, science and French all jumbled into one hard, confusing day.  There is no way  I am looking forward to that.

Another Impending Disaster is about writing.  I wrote a one-shot (still editing) for the libraries contest (in October, but I can never leave it to the last minute without loosing all my good ideas).  I wrote it on pure inspiration, fueled by the night and darkness what-have-you, but still.  I didn't even place in the last one, and a girl who isn't half as obsessed as I am with writing got an honorable mention.  I shouldn't be hoping for the best, but I am.

More Impending Disasters: I am editing Empyrean whilst behind one homework... not a good mix, if you ask me, as the project I'm procrastinating on is about 30% of my grade.  Stupidity on the teachers part, if you as me.

Also, I have next semester starting soon - hard, although there is English :D yay!

As for the statues, the picture is the white Bengal tiger I got :D.  It's 9.2 pounds and her name is Sasha.. I adore it!  Not sure where to put it yet, but maybe after my room is painted I will find a place.  (Painting room in the next few weeks).

Because I'm not ready to post my warfare oneshot, I decided to do a quiz thing.  Skip it if you like, it's mainly to make myself feel like I have something valuable to post ;)

1. What's the last thing you wrote? 
A oneshot about a girl coming back from war after her dad died from lukeimia, figuring out how there is still other things in life and she has to move on, the people around her helping her ('cept that sounds odd..).
2. What's the first thing you wrote that you still have? 
A story about me and my friends having a snow ball fight where I was the special "healer" person (like doctor dodgeball).  I wrote it in grade one and folded the paper in half so it was a book.
3. Write poetry?
I used to, very, very, very occasionally.  I don't really like it.
 4. Favorite genre of writing?
 5. Most annoying character you've created?
 Cameron, a guy who won't give up on chasing Vince (InVincible).... at least, he was the most fun annoying character.  Ethan was the most annoying as in I hated the guts out of him in the Reincarnater.
6. Best Plot you've ever created?
I like them all.... InVincible is action-y and fun to write though :D
7. Coolest Plot twist you've ever created?
 Wings dies/her parents are spies.
8. How often do you get writer's block?
 Often, but I can get over it if I try hard enough.
9. Write fan fiction?
 Harry Potter stuff... but not that much because it seems pointless (now)
10. Do you type or write by hand?
 Type, occasionally write late at night in bed.
11. Do you save everything you write?
12. Do you ever go back to an idea after you've abandoned it?
Yes, next book will be that :D
13. What's your favorite thing you've ever written?
 Not exactly sure.  IV or the Reincarnater, duh :P
14. What's everyone else's favorite story that you've written?
 Most people have read Empyrean only, so I guess Empyrean.  (at least, school)
15. Ever written romance or angsty teen drama?
 Romance-y, but not the entire plotline of boy-meets-girl, etc.
16. What's your favorite setting for your characters?
 Forest or abandoned ghost town?  I have no idea, but those pop into my head.
 17. How many writing projects are you working on right now?
 Empyrean - editing.  I want to write the Reincarnater, the oneshot and InVincible, but I'm not allowing myself ;P
18. Have you ever won an award for your writing?
 Like, runner up for under 12 short story and 3rd place for poetry.
19. What are your five favorite words?
 Squhsh......... not sure what else :P
20. What character have you created that is most like yourself?
I wish I could be Wings, but it would probably be a background character from Empyrean.  I forget who :$
21. Where do you get ideas for your characters from?
A personality trait, like Sims.
22. Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Dreams start the idea, but definitely don't finish it.
23. Do you favor happy endings?
Fo sho.
24. Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
 I try not to, it depends on how long I have.
25. Does music help you write?
Certain songs that break the silence but don't take my attention away from my fingers :)
26. Quote something you've written. Whatever pops into your head.
I was back. In so many ways, this could have been different. But looking out on the across the train station, I couldn’t think of it another way. Here I was, home at last with the horrors behind me – horrors I had brought upon myself, but never regretted.

Oneshot updates coming up, and...
My Blog Anniversary :)
 Go me :)

S a r a h


Devon said...

Interesting...Your one of the most obsessed writer I've ever seen (and that's not a bad thing, AT ALL)and you certainly have more motivation to writing your stories than I ever, the stuff is (really) good, so bonus points for that :P

As for impending disasters, I'm just hoping that 2010 will be better than 2009..which sucked. majorly.

Happy blog anniversary thing!

Sarah said...

I have all my hope in this year too... by the end of it, I will be in grade 10 and (maybe) joined the nordic ski team. Weird, but it sounds fun. I have something against joining things at the beginning of the school time though..

And as for being an obsessed writer... I can't say much. I get obsessed with everything :P

2010... for new years (which I'm tying into my anniversary post) i shouted it from the middle of my school ground :D tres fun.

Rochelle Blue said...

It's so nice to read a personality quiz about writing and not normal life ^^
and 2010 better be a good year, with all the "have a happy new years" I've been wishing people lol!
and great new years resolution! I know you can do it and I would love to read Empyrean when you are done!

Sarah said...

I'll definitely send out Empyrean when I'm done (maybe to publishers/agents, but SERIOUSLY, there are 3 agents in the ENTIRETY of Canada and 12 publishers. Not too great of chances, and a lot are new-age guru stuff :S)

Anyways, hope you had a great new years! Millennium years seem to be lucky, so far (2000 was pretty good, right?)

alyssa said...

I have read the sequel to The Hunger Games and I am waiting VERYYY impatienly for the last book to come out in Aug. And I LOVE PEETA! If I had to say who I would chose to see "go" in the last book it would most definetly be Gale. I think Kat loves peeta but is in denial...or so I hope.