Saturday, October 30, 2010

Individual Study Unit

I've been working nonstop on my ISU (Individual Study Unit) which is on a multicultural novel called "Mountain Girl River Girl" by Ting Xing-Ye.

It's an interesting book, where 2 girls from different places in China travel to big cities, meet halfway and work in a factory for a little bit.  There's a lot of misfortune that happens along the way... and in case you don't like reading about scary (rape) stuff, (who does? :/ it shocked me) there is that....

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Roman Conquest of Italy From 500 BC to 100 BC

A map showing the extent of Etruria and the Et...Image via Wikipedia

When I think of BC, a time before the Gregorian calendar – our calendar – and Christianity came into existence, I think of primitive human beings, as cavemen, or monkeys.  The reality is much more than that.  Humans of the time were an intelligent start to mankind; creating the foundations for the world we live in today.  Romans, who spoke Latin and lived in Rome, Italy, just off the Mediterranean Sea where just one group, and they are the group we are focusing on today.  Three great wars over 500 years enabled Romans to control all of Italy.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Books To Read

It's been a while since I made a new books to read list, so here it goes:

Books To Read
  1. City Of Fallen Angels - out on April 5th, which much much too far away.  I love these books, even if they're a bit predicable.
  2. Behemoth - Leviathan book two.  Leviathan was so amazing!
  3. The Scorch Trails - sequel of The Maze Runner, which wasn't long enough :P
  4. The Atlantis Complex - will these books ever end?
  5. Predator's Gold - an unheard of series, where I am, but the first one was really great!
  6. Smart Girls and Fast Boys - because I'm feeling like a gushy romantic gal.  A friend said it was good.
  7. Spells - from the author of Wings - think I'll pick this up when I go shopping next week :)
  8. Enchantments - from the author of Wings      ---> not out yet, but I'm not sure when it's out either

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I like...

Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting topped ...Image via Wikipedia
Chocolate Cake.  Or, more correctly, five minute chocolate cake.  Five minute chocolate cake that you don't have to share!

Haha :P

I found this, made it, and decided to share it today.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Monologue for English

One thing about English this year that was different from grade 9 English is that we have a lot more creative writing pieces.  Which I find amazing, as I love creative writing.

This was a monologue on fear, after reading a creepy story which involved someone possibly drowning/dying, and claustrophobia.  Both are different types of fear, so we had to do an artistic representation of any fear.

You could draw, sing, paint, etc, but I obviously chose writing, because that's what I do creatively.  :)

Fear Monologue

Sunday, October 10, 2010


My parents are away for part of the Canadian thanksgiving weekend (Friday-Sunday, they're back for Monday, which is when we celebrate thanksgiving), so I was pretty bored.

I made brownies!  And took somewhat-blurry pictures... next time I'll have to remember to take better pictures :$

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 4

Cross country was killer today.  We ran further than I ever have (4k?) on FLAT ground this time, and then did hill sprints on a root-filled, rocky, steep hill. But it was fun, I guess :P

I've developed a habit of typing things out in the "edit HTML" section of blogger - for non-bloggers, that's the type where you have to edit the < b r / > and the < i > and whatnot for things to go italicized or bolded. I just find it's easier, and sort of fun.

I've always wished I was a pro-coder, and could hack stuff by reading this alien computer language... maybe this is just me settling with the next best thing :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


In school we had to write an epilogue for English class. It was on a short story called "Long Walk To Forever" by Kurt Vonnegut. It was an amazing, cute story; I couldn't help but to throw a wee bit of death and destruction into my own epilogue. ;)

By Sarah Leeves

Catharine never threw out the bridal magazine.  It lay in her bottom drawer, under old knitted sweaters and winter coats.  To her it represented choices, choices lost, choices taken, and choices she somehow never got to decide.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Hostage and Humiliation

I have two things to say about the past week.

One, is that 3 schools in my town were kept in lockdown until 7 o'clock.  There was a "brandishing of a firearm".  I feel so bad for the little kindergartens who had to stay in school until 7!  They aren't even used to a FULL day of school!

It didn't make me feel safe, what with all the rumors of a marital dispute/hostage situation, a sniper in someone's uncles backyard, and children trapped indoors.

Apparently, the parents were all waiting all around the school.  Waiting for their children to be returned.  It sounds so terrible!  If I was a parent, I would be devastated.