Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Do You Eat Crepes/Pancakes

I made Icelandic Pancakes.

I used to recipe from this website, but changed it.... the first time, I followed everything except I accidentally mixed up the butter (I used oil, I even googled and found our the right amount to change butter to oil, but I was wrong :( ahaha).  The second time, I got the RIGHT butter, and did it all in whole wheat.  I may do it half-and-half the third time (I have to make this for my class! ahh!)


The mix, pre-mixed :)

The Mix.

My very first (oily!) pancake.  Really, these are crepes...

With sugar sprinkled on top, these are the oily crepes.
The whole-wheat crepes/Icelandic pancakes :)

My cooking area!

My recipe.  The original was online and I wrote it in easier-to-understand language ;)

So, it wasn't that bad!  I'm just not sure how to SEASON them for the class.

How do you eat your crepes/pancakes?

I know syrup is probably a normal one, but I want a variety for my picky-eater classmates ;)

I feel so pro-bloggery when I post pictures of my life!  Whoo! 

I have SO much work to do!

English: Descriptive paragraph at the end of May, short story at the end of April (working on... will post sometime :D hehe)
Math: Math test which I flunked today, 2 pages of homework tonight and every single day.
French: Test STILL getting closer, add in participe passe.  Which is NEW things to memorize!
Science: now own textbook.  Work ahead so you can possibly skip?  Or just read :)

S a r a h

P.S. I got a 19/20 (95%) on my School Poetry Assignment.  The one mark was taken for for writing "Me and him sit in silence", instead of the proper way, "Him and I"..... I could argue that I like Me and him, because as the writer I have a stylistic importance... but I like the teacher :)  (plus, i would never have the guts to argue!)



Golden Eagle said...

Yummy looking. :D

Devon said...

butter first, drown in maple syrup, and add whipped cream on the top. I feel like I've gained 5 lbs of fat afterwords, but its worth it :)

I don't cook much outside of microwave popcorn and a peanut-butter jelly sandwich, but what you're doing looks fantastic.