Thursday, April 29, 2010

Short Review: I Heart You, You Haunt Me

Sorry this post got screwed up awesome followers! I have no idea what happened... but I re-wrote it now :)

I Heart You, You Haunt Me

A book
Written in verse.
Short lines
Lots of meaning.

A girl dares
her boy to jump

He dies.

But then he comes back?

This book is really cool.  It's not long - it took me about 45 minutes to read.. but it's really cute :)

I almost cried in my English class.  Luckily, I sit at the back :P

It's about a breakup, but doesn't really center around getting over him...  Ava and her boyfriend, Jackson, have an ongoing dare contest.  She dares him to cliffdive, and his head hits a rock and he dies.

Imagine the guilt you would have if you pretty much caused someone you love to die!  The book is about Ava getting over her guilt and moving forward -- and leaving the ghost of him.

The ghost idea is pretty sweet.  It's hard to get the emotions of the characters across with the poetry, but the mystery of the ghost is done really well.  Eventually, she realizes that she can't live her life dating a ghost, and moves on... not to a new guy though, like you'd expect.

Another thing I like about the story was the names.  Ava, Jackson and Lyric.  Cute, eh?

It's just an all-together sweet story.  =)

S a r a h

P.S. notice the extreme vein-y-ness of the boy in the cover's arm?!  STERIODS!

-- on an interesting note, isn't it always steroids causing the problems in high schools (at least on TV)?  There are NO steroids at my school  -- even for the extreme protein shake drinkers who talk about their obsession with lifting weights behind me in science.  Instead, there's marijuana.  That's not exactly what I expected :S


Devon said...

Sounds cool. Not saying that I'm going to read it (In don't do well with "sweet" stories lol), but it seems to be an interesting story anyways. I don't have violence problems in my school at all, but since we have a small police force (small town and all), we have a big drug problem. That's about it though, besides the rednecks who will shoot you for stepping on their lawn.

Golden Eagle said...

I don't usually read books in verse (except for Hate That Cat and Heartbeat) but I might try that one.

Sarah said...

I love reading books -- all books. Usually I read a lot of one genre, and then move to another :P

I have two highschools in my ..area. One of them is filled with druggies (mine) and the other one has... problems with distinguishing what is right and what is too much for a relationship.

The grass on the other side isn't greener :\

Rochelle Blue said...

it sounds so sweet! I'm definitely going to read it now :))! and add it onto my 50 books in a year list!
have you read anything else you think highly of and would probably recommend?


Rochelle Blue said...

I've just awarded/tagged you! :))

love, roch