Sunday, January 18, 2009

Grade 8 Graduation

Ahhhh!!!! I'm not the type to like wearing a dress - but in an hour my mom's making me go dress shopping with her!!! (She likes to get stuff done early... kind of the opposite of me). I really, really, really, really hate dress shopping, but I hate shoes more.

The sucky thing, is that I'm tall. Like, 5"4' for you american peoples who make it hard to use metric 24/7, lol. And most people, including my boyfriend, are about 5"2. Which really sucks, especially when you're around your teacher's hieght as well. So no heels for me for grad.. but have you seen the flats? I've been looking for a pair of nice, normal flats for two years. Haven't ever found one.

I am going to die. I'm gunna die a slow and painful death from now until grad.

Why is grade 8 grad such a big deal? I think we should all just go to the movies and have a little ceremony (tiny one... like.. jeans and a t-shirt style) and then have a dance. Normal. But no, it can't be normal. Gotta be full out dresses with shoes and hair done. Ick.

Okay, I'm finished my whining...

Interesting fact: The word "Sky" is Old Norse and it means cloud. So, really when we're saying "sky" we're saying "cloud". Wierd eh? I got this calender that has the origins of a word for every day. Amazingly cool :D

Sorry for lack of things to say.. don't really have much going on right now, but when I finish my newspaper article I'll put a bit up.



Rochelle Blue said...

lolz... I'm also pretty tall. About 5"2, which is a lot taller than an average american girl...
aww... that sucks. Heels are the best! have you ever thought of trying shoes with a short heel?
really? I didn't know that... ha, I have friend whose name is Skye, so the next time I see her, I can be, "Hi, Cloud."
The Uglies... huh, I guess I will have to try it = D!

Kori Rockwell said...

Wow, you people are short up there. Most people in Texas are at least over 5'5" ... although I'm 5'2", but most people are closer to six foot, especially guys. That's freakin' hilarious.

You better get crackin' if you're going to enter into ABNA.

Anonymous said...

i live in canada and the people in my school are freakishly tall like 5'8" tall as for me and a few other people
im having my grade 8 grad as well and love dresses but the heals not so much like you
but i gotta wear them to be tall.
good luck finding one though
tell me where you got yours if you did
good luck
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