Thursday, January 29, 2009

Currently Nothing..

<-- That is my adorable dog, Odie. I love him. He's about 4 months right now, but that was taken about 2 months ago (do the math yourself). He's adorable, and since no one else in my family is puppy trainer (and my sister screams whenever he licks her) I've solely by myself taught him to Say, Sit, Laydown, and Wag His Tail (the last one was the easiest). He's adorable. I'll get more pics of him soon.
Oh, and in the background, that's me. I'm wearing a really baggy sweater.. so I'm not.. obese.
There hasn't been much going on lately. I finished the script for the movie due in.. may, and my teacher and I talked a little about my story. I ripped out pages from my old sketchbook and glued them in my new one to finish it before it was handed in, and have to draw and life-sized portrait of me for grad.. who I have currently named Sally, because she can't be me, because I'm not that ugly. I hope.

I'm doing Red Maple, which is a reading thing my library has. Important people (old geezers) pick good books they like, and we read them, vote from all over Ontario, and the winner gets an award. This year, the old geezers picked the worst possible books ever. One is even about those standard act-older-than-you-are girls who walk around in malls 3 feet high wearing abercombie and miniskirts. Luckily, most people were warned about the book... unluckily, I was the person warning them, and I'm scarred for life. (She's in love with her teacher, and every single guy she meets!) So far,the winner seems to be a book about a boy becoming obsessed about the make-belive "King Arthur" game. Interesting eh?

Yesterday, on an unexpected snowday, I saw Inkheart with my boyfriend (yeah, I know, but it's the hold-hands-at-recess type of thing, and niether of us wear abercombie or fitch). It was pretty okay, but really, what they need in the movie is some great fight scene. Add Matt Daemon as a blackjacket, and let Mo fight out his life. If they had that, I would've loved it. But no, they didn't have any fighting what-so-ever. If I hadn't read the books... I really don't know what I would have thought about it.

I'm trying to start writing a totally romance story called "A Changed Story" because of how many times I've changed it. I've ran out of names like "Empyrean". The problem is, with ACS, it's more of a learning story. I'm trying third person, multi POV and romance being the main headline of the story. It's hard. I think I'm going to have a really real narrator... something somewhat like that. I'll update you if I get anything, but I don't really have a clue yet.

And, on a sadder more personal note... ahhh!!!! I used to only occasionally get these moments of extreme depression where the sky was falling and I'd fallen into a deep hole with everything crashing down.. now they are happening at least twice a day. I feel like Harry Potter with the whole angsty thing going on, except mine isn't acted.

But hey, that's not your problem. It's mine, and how I seem to have inherited every bad trait from my family.



Rochelle Blue said...

your puppy is so adorable! and I love his name... Odie = D man... I wish I could get a dog... but the place I'm living in right now doesn't accept large animals... = ( which sucks...
I saw Inkheart too. my friend read the book and she dragged all of us to the theaters to go and see it... I agree, it was okay. not the best. It won't be anything that I'm going to buy when it comes out on DVD, but perhaps I will see it again with my family.
oooh... sounds cool! I'll be looking forward to hearing more about "A Changed Story." perhaps it will become the next "Twilight." ; )
*hugs* I know how you feel... being depressed is obviously not the greatest feeling in the world... be sure to do something that will make you feel happy and that will help you clear your thoughts... I find that that it helps to either take a walk, or talk to someone close, or to write in a diary... I hope you will feel better, and in order to help, I'm giving you extra cyber hugs and love!

Kori Rockwell said...

Okay dude, I'm getting super frustrated because I still have not had time to read your HP Fan Fiction and I really want to. I can never get enough of HP, it's quite ridiculous. Hope you feel better. Let me read ACS when you get going!

Anonymous said...

such a cute puppy :)

I thought that Inkheart was good even without the dream fight scene ;)

ACS sounds kewl can't wait to read it

and :( feel happier soon *hugs* (why yes that was cyber plagerising)