Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Icky Poem Of Mine

Recently, we've begun to analyse poetry in class. We have a project to analyse 2 songs and 2 poems. This made me think of the poetry I've written - which was mainly in grade 5 through 7.

This poem is one of the two which I'm willing to actually share - the rest are horrible beyond normal, human means.

The reason why I don't like my poetry is because it's not depressing enough - or at all meaningful. The stuff I'm reading on the U of T site, Representative Poetry Online, now that is pretty powerful and deep stuff. My poems are on the surface, face value, etc.

But here you go, your enjoyment for today:


I see an animal in the forest,
One life alone among the rest.

I hear a drum-beat in the rain -
A spooky rap on the windowpane.

I feel the tremor of a ‘quake,
A reminder of lives at stake.

I touch the first snowflake fall,
A pioneer of them all.

I smell salt of the sea;
Find the hope to set me free.

I sense the coming of disaster,
And keep running faster.

Pretty, err, uh, interesting eh?

(sorry for the wierd formatting earlier)


Devon said...

Hey, it's great! Love the imagery in it

Devon said...

BTW how did you manage to put that video on the last post? i want to make on my blog (someday I'll be Saturday night)

Sarah said...

Oh, i used videocure.. mainly because it was one of the first ones to come up... just search the song and then underneath the video/click here to see video it'll say like, Embed Code... I just used to overall code they give, not the blogger one.. (though I did have to change some things cuz there was no opening tag to some of the things....)

But yeah, I bet a ton of sites can do it.. just look for the embed.

Sarah said...

(wow I use a lot of ....)

Devon said...

cool, thx