Friday, April 17, 2009


A few days ago I got Google Analysis, and now, 7 days later, I have some amazing news.

As of today, I have readers in 4 different countries!

I seriously reloaded the page and couldn't believe my eyes. Welcome Germany and Ukraine to my awesome blog! I hope you liked it :)

I feel so accomplished now, knowing that my blog is so popular! (ok, so Analytics says there have been 21 unique visitors... but that's still almost 3 per day!)

It's times like these when it pays to have a blog. Somewhat. I still only have 5 commenters! (Ever, not just the constant ones). But oh well. (coughcommentcough)

But a big, major THANKS to everyone reading and commenting all around the world (or 4 countries).

Besides checking up on Analytics every day (religously) I haven't done much. Bikeriding, very little writing, and a lot of school (although not so much work). It's finally started to feel like Summer around here... and although the warmth is nice, I hate shorts. I'm more of a jeans, t-shirt and jacket girl, not a tank-top and shorts one. Add in pool parties and I'm running to the nearest patch of snow. (Isn't it always that way though? You want the Summer in Winter and the Winter in Summer... always speeding up time, never wanting it to slow down... and then one day you look back and realize you little you've matured in the past few years and want to go back, back to less responsiblity and worries...)

Anyways, I'll end this with a new and scary thought:

The Car Chase, my latest short-story, is... well.. a short story. And it was Career Day in school (parents come in and talk about their careers - and of course, there was a writer) so it got me thinking.... would The Car Chase be magazine-quality? Would it need a better name? Do short-fiction-publishing magazines exist without going bankrupt within a year? In Canada?

Questions.... but it would be amazingly cool to have the answers as yes, and my story in a magazine.

1 comment:

Devon said...

hmph, i wish there was summer ALL YEAR ROUND. Better boil in a T and shorts than freeze to death in the winter. Summer, you got so much to do...sports, reading under a tree, ect ect. But in the winter, all you can do is sometimes have a snowball fight..otherwise you just stay home and watch TV. don't know how you guys have in over in Canada,but our summers in the mountains come short and sweet