Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Freaky Picture.. Freakier Story

A few days ago I was looking for something on my computer (named Percy Rain) and then I found this... thing. I kind of remember writing it - kind of. But this seems... different. It's one of those things you look back on.

Any thoughts? (The picture below is the one I included with the summary below - the pic inspired me.. somehow. Sorry for the slightly scary, scarring effect it has)

Angela Westminster is not normal. In her head, she hears the voices of all seven ancient war heroes - worshiped today as either demons or gods. They tell her what to do, control her as if she was one of them; powerful and almost immortal. But Angela isn’t immortal - she’s a normal, natured teenage mage with a limited amount of magic. If she wasn’t able to control herself at least half of the time, she’d be already dead.

But ever since she boasted of hearing voices when she was younger, her family has been waiting. Now, one cold night, they’ve kicked her out. On the run, thirteen, and alone Angela isn’t sure she’ll make it - and she wouldn’t have, if the voices in her head hadn’t decided to help her out. Suddenly, she’s overcome and can’t control herself against there power.

Weeks later, she wakes up in the biggest house she has ever seen, a meter away from none other than the Third Mage and his Mage-In-Training.

Apparently Angela had been wandering in the Wasteland for ages, a specific area nowhere near where she had been. The Wasteland has been slowly spreading outwards, towards civilization, and has been since the day the Seven Mages (or the voices in Angela’s head) died. Angela has spent a week, wondering the Wasteland, that she can’t even remember. And no one else knows how she got there - or why.

But the Third Mage, Forrester, and his son, William are determined to figure out why - and solve the mystery about her aura, a light blue-pink that has not ever been recorded.


natalie a said...

Hey sarah,
I think that this would be a great idea for a story. i really want to hear more!

Sarah said...

Thanks... I'm gunna start it after I finish InVincible I think... or maybe Tyvven or something :P I have too many ideas.