Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework: Business Tech News Scrapbook

Hi again!

For Business Technology, our term project is to find 20 articles about information technology, write a summary for each, and present in a scrap book.  Because November will be pretty busy for me, I've started early on the assembling part of this project.  The more I get done now, the less I'll have to rush in December.

Here are the pages I have so far:

And no, the last picture is not part of my scrapbook - that's my cat who gave me the Evil Eye while taking these pictures.  He loves to sleep in the styrofoam box thing that our hemispherical sink came in (ha, hemispherical).  Anyways, it's perfect for the large cat form, and he absolutely loves it!

Having fun on my long weekend!  :P lol.  Long weekends are always fun.



Devon said...

hmph, have fun on your long weekend ;( i HATE Mondays...with passion. :P

Tech thing looks cool..we never get to do any of that kind of stuff at my school. Its all just "takes these notes, study for the test, and make good grades so the teachers look good" blegh

Sarah said...

Haha, "Make good grades so the teachers look good". THAT sure was fun :| we have a test in grades 3, 6 and 9 (EQAO if you have it too) its province/country or w.e. -wide test to see if your teachers are really teaching you anything. Ugh.

But yeah, the scrapbooking IS fun :D

And i had to go back to school today :( goodbye thanksgiving weekend... see you next year.

Rochelle Blue said...

scrapbooking is fun!! and I get to scrapbook for enjoyment, not for schoolwork pressure haha =p
your scrapbook is looking really nice though... you're very creative!

and I know, it really is a great music video, but I also wouldn't want to be one of those girls lol...

thanks for crossing your fingers and toes for us... we found out today that our offer has been accepted! now I'm just waiting to see if my parents are going to get cold feet or not about buying it...

haha... well, I'll let you know if New Moon is worth going to see to make fun of =p the trailer makes the movie looks awesome but I haven't exactly been trusting trailers anymore...

that's so cool that you volunteer for your library! I hope you'll enjoy Beastly!

hope you had a great long weekend!

(sorry for the very long comment =p)

Sarah said...

Even with school pressure, you can't really make scrapbooking un-fun :D it's awesome!

That's great about your house! Oh, I want to move. That, or dramatically rearrange my room :P. I'll most likely end with the latter.

New Moon.... the trailer makes it look okay, but I get scared when Rob's shirt seems to have gone missing. Ugh.

I love long comments! Going to the library next tuesday :D (well, and friday, but thats for skating :P)
